Environmental Toxicology and Contamination


from 01/08/2023 to 30/08/2023 (3rd Phase)

More Information

Total Estimated Investment

International Student 4000€ *2

CPLP Students 2200€ *2

European Student 1250€ *2


The Master of Environmental Toxicology and Contamination of the University of Porto is offered by the School of Medicine and Biomedicine (ICBAS) and the Faculty of Sciences (FCUP), with the participation of two research centres of excellence: the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR) and the Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde (i3S). There is contact with scientific research since the first year, and the ERASMUS MUNDUS branch allows the change of experience with students from different countries in a multi-cultural environment.

For whom?

Graduated or legal equivalent in the areas of Life Sciences, Natural Sciences, Environmental Sciences, including Biology, Marine Biology, Environmental Biology, Biochemistry, Aquatic Sciences, Medicine, other Health Sciences, Veterinary Medicine, Microbiology, Chemistry, Sciences and Environmental Technologies, Environmental Engineering and other related areas.

Why this master?

The MSc programme in Environmental Contamination and Toxicology offers advanced scientific and technological training to face major challenges at global level, mainly those resulting from global climate changes and human population growth (e.g. pollution, global warming, ocean health, water and environmental quality, emerging diseases, new energy sources, food safety and security, environmental sustainability, ecosystem services, new pharmaceuticals/materials/technologies,…). It offers specific (e.g. ecology, toxicology, chemistry, biotechnology,..) and multidisciplinary training integrating environmental, animal and human health in line with the ‘One Health’ and ‘Global Health’ concepts.

Professional Opportunities

Scientific and technological research; Ocean and environmental policy and management; Risk assessment and management (medicines, chemical products, other environmental and health risks); Environmental Impact Assessment; Water treatment; Health; Biotechnology; Blue economy; Circular economy; Food safety and security; Fishery and aquaculture; Agriculture; Energy; Production of goods and services; Tourism; Residue management, transformation and recycling


1st semester (Year 1)
Xenobiotics in the Environment
Environmental Contamination by Toxins
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Toxicity and Detoxification
Planning and Analysis of Data from Toxicity Assays
2nd semester (Year 1)
Professional practice I/ Research stage/ External stage
Stress ecology
Advanced Ecotoxicology
Option UP: Any curricular unit of the 2nd cycle of the University of Porto
Option 1: Environment and Public Health, Environmental Risk Assessment – Fundamentals Genetic Resistence to Pollutants, Toxicogenomics and Toxicoproteomics
3rd and 4th semester (Year 2)
Dissertation / Internship
1st semester (Year 1)
Xenobiotics in the Environment
Environmental Contamination by Toxins
Exposure and Fate of Xenobiotics in the Organism
Molecular and Cellular Mechanisms of Toxicity and Detoxification
Planning and Analysis of Data from Toxicity Assays
2nd semester (Year 1)
Professional practice I/ Research stage/ External stage
Stress ecology
Advanced Ecotoxicology
Option UP: Any curricular unit of the 2nd cycle of the University of Porto
Option 1: Environment and Public Health, Environmental Risk Assessment – Fundamentals Genetic Resistance to Pollutants, Toxicogenomics and Toxicoproteomics
3rd semester (Year 2)
Contamination social awareness and environmental ethics
Environmental risk assessment: REACH & CPL
Research in environmental contamination & toxicology
Option 2: cast of options EHU
4th semester (Year 2)
Master thesis

Contact us

Rua de Jorge Viterbo Ferreira,
228 4050-313 Porto


Prof. Lúcia Guilhermino

“The graduates will be able to conduct research, develop technologies, participate in environmental policies and management, communicate and operate in international
and multidisciplinary teams, contributing to addressing 
and overcome some of the most challenging paradigms
that local/ national/ European/ international
institutions are facing. Thus, they are expected to
actively contribute to the goals of the new European
policies, to economic and social development, to global environmental sustainability and human health protection.”