Medical Sciences


Total Estimated Investment

International Student 6000€ *3

CPLP Students 2200€ *2

European Student 1250€ *2


The PhD in Medical Sciences aims to promote advanced training in the field of Medicine through research, namely clinical research. This program is designed to achieve levels of excellence by requiring the PhD student to publish one or more scientific articles in a quality international journal, which is indexed, before submitting their dissertation to public evidence.

The programme leading to the degree of doctor in Aquatic Sciences has a duration of four years (eight semesters) and consists of a scientific thesis, original and especially made for to this purpose, corresponding to a total of 240 ECTS credits. To obtain the degree of doctor in Aquatic Sciences the candidates must be approved by a jury in a public session.

Among other requirements, the inclusion of at least 1 (one) original article (full length paper) published or accepted for publication in an indexed international journal (SCI), whose 1st author is a doctoral student

For whom

This program only accepts applications from graduates or masters in Medicine or Dentistry. Taking into account that these graduates have a high degree of professional differentiation, associated with the exercise of clinical activities, which they will continue during their condition as doctoral students, it is not required to fulfill curricular units (monographic courses, workshops, etc.) during the probationary year. The 60 credits of the probationary year will be obtained by proving clinical practice in the area of the PhD subject and participation in national and international seminars and congresses. This circumstance does not prevent the supervisor of the doctoral program from requiring his student to attend curricular units that he considers essential for the implementation of the research program related to the thesis.

Among other requirements, it is implemented as an absolute condition for delivery and public defense of the Thesis, it is mandatory that the candidate presents at least one scientific article as first author, published or accepted for publication in a Scientific Journal Indexed by the “ISI Web of Knowledge”, and two other articles, under the same conditions, but not necessarily being the first author of any of them; alternatively, it will be required the publication (or acceptance for publication) of only one article, with the student as its first author, if it is published in a high impact journal, that is, with an impact factor greater than 6. 0 according to the bibliographic database “ISI Web of Knowledge”.

Fields of Specialization

Development of original high level research on basic or applied sciences related with aquatic ecosystems (marine, estuarine or freshwater) and its organisms. Within this scope, the thesis can be focus on the following subjects: cellular and molecular biology, microbiology, histology, physiology, ecology, ecotoxicology, physical oceanography, chemistry of natural products, technological developments in aquaculture, food quality and exploitation of natural products.


1st semester (Year 1)
Exemple 1
Example 2
Forensic Biology
Forensic Pathology
2nd semester (Year 1)
Civil Medico-Legal Clinics
Occupational Medico-Legal Clinics
Penal Medico-Legal Clinics
Medical Law
Forensic Psychiatry
3rd semester (Year 2)
Internship options: Probation on Forensic Biology, Probation on Medico-Legal Clinics, Probation on Animal Pathology, Probation on Forensic Psychiatry
Option: Optional discipline of Pathological Anatomy and Histology
Optional discipline of Forensic Odontology
4th semester (Year 2)
1st semester (Year 1)
Exemple 1
Example 2
Forensic Biology
Forensic Pathology
Apply Now

Contact us

Rua de Jorge Viterbo Ferreira,
228 4050-313 Porto