May 3rd, at 10am (Lisbon Time) – Hybrid Format
Chair: Paulo Vaz Pires
Title: "Artificial Intelligence for Health and Well-being?"
Dr. Anderson Rocha is a full-Professor for Artificial Intelligence and Digital Forensics at the Institute of Computing at the University of Campinas, Brazil, where he directs the Artificial Intelligence Lab., Recod.ai. He has been an Associate Editor of several journals such as the IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security, the IEEE Signal Processing Letters, and the IEEE Security and Privacy Magazine. He is a Microsoft, Google and Tan Chi Tuan Faculty Fellow, an affiliate member of the Brazilian Academy of Sciences and the Brazilian Academy of Forensic Sciences. He is an IEEE Senior Member and a former IEEE Information Forensics and Security Technical Committee chair. Finally, he is listed among the Top-2% most influential scientists worldwide according to studies from Stanford Univ./Elsevier/PlosOne and Research.com.
Chair: Paulo Vaz Pires
Title: "Artificial Intelligence for Health and Well-being?"