17 April 5pm | ICBAS Monobloco Sala 1 – In person
Chair: Mariana Monteiro
Title: The multifaceted actions of testosterone
Ilpo Huhtaniemi received his MD and PhD at University of Helsinki, Finland, did postdoctoral training in USA (UC San Francisco and NIH, Bethesda), and has been on sabbatical leave in Germany, USA and Scotland. He held 1986-2002 the post of Professor and Chairman of Physiology at University of Turku, Finland. He moved in 2002 to UK to a Chair in Reproductive Endocrinology at Imperial College London. He has been the Chief Managing Editor of Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology since 1999. He has extensive experience as Official of international scientific organizations (e.g. Past President of International Society of Andrology). His research interests include clinical and basic reproductive endocrinology, in particular the function of gonadotrophins and male reproductive endocrinology.
Chair: Mariana Monteiro
Title: The multifaceted actions of testosterone