Internationalization is one of the main goals of ICBAS’ strategic program that the current Board of Directors care of as soon as we became responsible for the faculty governance.
ICBAS is now committed to build a strong internationalization program, as we recognize the importance of sharing scientific knowledge throughout the world.
Despite having a stable international mobility program for students, few of our lecturers use this program- We, as a school, were not using all the potential for collaboration opportunities, with international universities and researchers, that our fields of scientific intervention, individually and through the “One Health Strategy”, offer.
We had the chance to gather a group of highly motivated people, led by Alexandra Moreira, who clearly understood the intention of the Internationalization project. She and her team have rapidly developed a coordination strategy, which has the potential to be a success. It will allow us to innovate and improve our school.
The University of Porto understands the importance of developing and reinforcing international relationships. Therefore, it has established several agreement protocols between European Universities to build a university network. The successful commitment between the Universities of Porto, Lund (Sweden), FLMU (Germany), Paris-Saclay (France) and Szeged (Hungary), allowed the creation of the EUGLOH consortium, which is also contributing to the development of our internationalization strategy. This consortium is of great interest for our school, and we have already integrated, in collaboration with the partners, some of the research groups created.
We are still in the early stages, but I believe that ICBAS will succeed in this challenge. As a school, we will grow in knowledge and we will become recognized by more interested students and leading institutions, with the final goal of sharing knowledge and science.
Now is time for action. I am counting on each one of you at the ICBAS academic community to fulfil our great expectations.
This text was written by Henrique Cyrne Carvalho, ICBAS Director