ICBAS promotes cultural activities for international and ERASMUS students

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ICBAS Internationalization Office and Mobility and International Relations Office joined together to organize a full day of cultural activities for international and ERASMUS students. The day started with a guided visit to the Hall of Diversity of Natural History and Science Museum of the University of Porto, an amazing journey through millions of years of evolution and biodiversity. There was also time to visit the photography exhibition ‘Perspective(s) about One Health’ created by our school to boost the One Health concept among the society.

We also visited National Museum of Soares dos Reis, one of our strategic partners in the cultural field, where students were invited to explore the temporary exhibition ‘Depositorium II’, of which our director was one of the curators. An exhibition where medicine and art are in dialogue.

After lunch in the Cristal Palace Gardens, we also went to the ‘Centro Português de Fotografia’, where we discovered the history of the city and some of the temporary photography exhibitions.

The main goal of this activity was to promote the integration of ERASMUS and International Students, at the same time as it intended to disseminate the history of ICBAS and our close relationship with arts and culture, which is essential for us.


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