International Experience – Maria Abrantes

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Hello! My name is Maria Abrantes and I am a 1st year Medical’s Student from ICBAS.

The future of Medicine is something that excites me, topics like the digitalization of the Health Work, the use of AI – Artificial Intelligence Algorithms for triage and diagnosis, DATA, Ethics on e-Health, and much more….

This year I found an extra optional UC from Faculdade de Farmácia da Universidade do Porto, that was focused on the topic – Digital Health, so I immediately apply for it.

I frequented this UC in the 2nd semester and I really love that.

The classes have a very particular dynamic, with an expositive part and a strong practical component where the students as teams are encouraged to reflect and think further, by trying to build digital solutions for social health problems. It has also a strong entrepreneurial and innovative component, which I think is very nice for the digital transformation.

Then I found out about the possibility to go to Romania with this UC to be part of The eHealth Lab, Intensive Study Program. A partnership activity provided by the collaboration between U. Porto and U. Babes-Bolsai, co-funded by the European Union. I take the chance to apply and I was accepted into this amazing journey.

I just got back from Romania. It was a very great experience, that I will never forget! In this experience, I’ve had the opportunity to expand my knowledge of E-Health, and simultaneously, I get the opportunity to discover beautiful places and incredible people. Also in the last two weeks I get the opportunity to dive into a new culture, lifestyle, foods, and costumes. Which I think is very important because just when we leave our comfort zone we understand the complexity of the environment surrounding us. And I think this project was also a very good chance to develop my English and communication skills.

I absolutely love this experience and I truly recommend it to all medical students. I have learned a lot of things either on the extra optional UC or in the intensive lab study in Romania.

Even though this activity isn’t exclusive to Medical Students I believe that it makes me a better Health professional, by opening my mind to new realities and even more to the digital transformation of Health care, which I think is every day more a reality.

I cannot finish my testimony without thanks to the amazing group of teachers and colleagues that went with me on this adventure. To FFUP, to Porto4Ageing Team, To Public Health Department of Babes-Bolyai University from Cluj-Napoca, To CONNECT (Cooperation and training on innovation and entrepreneurship in eHealth Community) Thank you!

To you students that are reading this article I just can say: Do not be hesitate, involve yourself in these initiatives, participate and make lots of questions! Believe me that this is the type of thing that will distinguish us in the future, and make us better Health Professionals and had a lot of fun.

Maria Silva Abrantes
MIM 2021-2027

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