From Science to Business: where science and business are connected

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Animal Science Doctoral Programme is organizing an informal meeting for PhD students: From Science to Business, where an ICBAS Alumni will talk about his professional career as entrepreneur.

For this 1st session, on December 13, at 11 am (this is only a face-to-face event, at ICBAS), we invited you to meet Jorge Dias, SPAROS CEO.

Jorge Dias is a Marine Biologist and holds a MSc in Food Technology (University of Bordeaux, France), a MSc in Marine Biology and Fisheries (University of Algarve, Portugal) and a PhD in Fish Nutrition from the University of Porto (Portugal). He and his partner, Luís Conceição, created SPAROS in 2008.

SPAROS is a science and technology company that develops new products and nutritional solutions for the aquaculture market. Jorge Dias, expert in nutritional modulation of fish performance and quality, formulates feeds for SPAROS products, its R&D projects and customers, and defines specifications and feeding practices.

Registration is free but mandatory and places are limited: 

Don’t miss this opportunity to find out success strategies for winning at life

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